Archaeological trips
Archaeological-cultural trips
You want to decide on professionally organized archaeological-cultural trips? Where to go in the near future? A lot of people from our country, but not only, make decisions to go to Egypt. What is this African country characterized by? Is it worth having in mind archaeological cultural trips? It really seems to be one of the best options in this topic. It should be noted that Egypt guarantees, among other things, excellent atmospheric conditions. Are you fed up with cold? You don’t like relatively low temperatures… In that situation, it is worth going to Egypt.
It should be noted that the weather is really good there for 12 months of year. What else is characteristic of Egypt? It turns out that the financial conditions can be really very attractive. On this level, a lot really depends on …the clients. Nothing stands in the way of choosing professional and relatively cheap travel offices. It is these entities that organize archaeological cultural tours. What else speaks for choosing Egypt?
It is about the monuments, of course. On the premises of Egypt there are plenty of them. Let’s take a closer look at the capital city. This is Cairo. It is in this city that you can visit for example, the Egyptian Museum. It’s really worth to visit it for the exhibits from ancient times. A mandatory point on the list, that every tourist should see, is also Giza. It should be noted that there are pyramids there. However, it is not the end of the attractions.
It is worth knowing that in Giza there is also a statue of the Great Sphinx, etc. What else is worth visiting? We are convinced that North Saqqara will be a good choice, same as Alexandria. It is worth noting that the name of this region comes from its founder. He was Alexander the Great himself. It turns out that in Egypt you can not only visit monuments, but also spend time sunbathing and swimming – in the Mediterranean or the Red Sea.